In this day and age, it is vitally important to be environmentally conscious to help preserve the world around us. At Wholistic Paws Veterinary Services, we try to lead by example in how we treat the environment. The following are just a few examples of how Wholistic Paws has gone "green" to help keep our world safe and clean for generations to come!
We have tried our hardest to reduce the amount of paper that Wholistic Paws uses. You can fill out our forms online and submit them to us via e-mail. When possible, we will e-mail you invoices instead of printing them. Our newsletters are available to those who want them e-mailed to them.
All of our business cards are printed on 100% recycled paper and any paper products we do use are from recycled sources as well.
All of our medical waste is shipped to Sharps Inc. Their Waste Conversion Process™ ("WCP") transforms discarded needles, syringes, lancets and other medical waste into a new product called PELLA-DRX™. This is used in the manufacture of many types of resources (i.e. cement) vital to everything from homes to highways to high-rise buildings. This process renders the origin of the product indistinguishable and removes all hazards from the medical waste. WCP eliminates Sharps' landfill use by 100%.